We are socially and community focused and like us all want a
better earth for us to live.
We support and follow the following companies and businesses, all trying to do their bit in life and survive in the modern age. We hope you can like and support them as well.
Euca Supports reforestation of the “correct” Eucalypt trees in the right places to help repopulate Koalas. Initially Euca was planning to add Eucalypt seeds in each product so all our customers could plant trees for Koalas across Australia.What we found out and is not widely known by many is the difference in Koalas types and sizes across Australia and that each areas population of Koalas prefer a selection of different tree types, plus the complexity of these Koalas changing their diet choice as well due to climate conditions like drought. We also won’t go into the complexity of nurturing seeds to seedings for these great trees, mother nature certainly didn’t make it easy.To reforest trees to suit in each area would be a nightmare, so we have now focused on supporting the below two foundations. Not for profit and who are actually focused on Koalas survival by creating new habitat for them. If you are a foundation in other states who would like our support please contact us, we would love to help.
What is also not widely known is these foundations are desperately looking for land areas to plant trees. They rely on farmers and land owners who have land previously cleared for crops or cattle to donate parts of, wind break areas or large areas for reforestation . These foundations will do all the work for you and monitor and maintain the trees from seed to young sapling. Feel free to contact us here if you may have land that can be reforested. We would love to hear from you.
Please help and support these great teams:
Australian Koala Foundation
Having a Koala as part of our brand and logo was a key decision many years ago based on being a truly Australian business, and of course having pure Eucalyptus oil used in Euca and a number of other product we make. To that end we support those that are out there looking after the Koala. Australian Koala Foundation’s focus is on saving the Australian habitat as a priority which is one of the major factors in Koala population reduction. Great team of people who are dedicated to our Aussie icon. Please visit there website or Facebook here.
Being massive animal lovers here at Euca we support the RSPCA and all the volunteers who do extraordinary work to help our furry (and some not so furry, as we have Devon rex’s at home) friends.
Love, respect and treat all animals right. Report and take action if you see any heartless actions by the supposed superior race of humans. Where possible support the RSPCA.
Repeat Plastic Australia – Recycled Plastic Products
For more than 28 years the plastic recycling company has produced a range of over 200 products and has grown to become Australia’s leading plastic product manufacturers. Replas has since developed world-leading technologies at their plastic recycling centre to reprocess Australia’s waste into robust recycled plastic products for outdoor use. These products offer an ethical alternative to the unnecessary use of virgin materials and provide long-lasting advantages to customers.
The Sea Shepherd Australia (the Steve Irwin).
Euca and Lightning have been supporting the guys and gals at Sea Shepherd for a number of years. The Steve Irwin docks in Williamstown (Melbourne) just down the road from our factory. They are all committed to doing the right thing by animals, sea creatures and mother nature itself. We are proud they like and use our products, for which we are happy to help and support them in their work.
Product Review .com .au
This site is an independent website set up to allow ordinary customers / users of commodities to tell others what they think and their experience has been using items and goods from different markets and types. We feature on this website and would love our customers to leave a comment to help us build our brand awareness.
Aussie Blokes Clothes
Are about Quality Value Fit – getting decent clothes that fit every time you buy – in sizes for all men but especially if you do not suit the standard department store or even unreliable sizing offered by ‘specialty stores’.
Most Men’s clothes today are aimed at “Avatar” like figures with a slim fit. Many larger sizes are aimed at men who are short and have a large waist measurement. If you are tall, big across the chest and arms,, shorter than average or just don’t fit the bill ….. And looking for a relaxed fit – the options are generally not all that attractive or overpriced. Choice is low. Imports are not often manufactured to the dimensions that really apply to an Aussie Bloke.
Roving Refills
New … But its old fashioned. Remember the Milk man , took your empties and gave you new milk . Roving Refills had taken this concept and evolved it to today and for cleaning Products. What a great way to reduce unwanted packaging in the environment. Roving Refills travels Melbourne ( and soon all of Australia ) with bulk cleaning products that you can fill into your “own” container . Reuse your bottles and tubs, don’t throw them into landfill (or recycle … well we wonder whats recycled now and whats land fill ) … they are a great team and its a fantastic idea . Plus they sell Euca as well .
A Thank You letter from the Lincoln College in North Adelaide
On behalf of the Lincoln College Executive Committee, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of Laundry Detergent Liquid and Powder. Residents at Lincoln come from regional areas, interstate, and overseas. As your donation made their transition to University life smoother, the wider college community also appreciates your support.